29 August 2022

Which perspectives and factors most deserve to be identified and highlighted, in order to develop long-term approaches to global change in the field? And how can we collectively advance the conversation for change?

In a time when we are striving to work more consciously with sustainable processes and the objective of promoting a responsible transition for our common environmental impact, there are many issues to consider and reflect upon.

Which perspectives and factors most deserve to be identified and highlighted, in order to develop long-term approaches to global change in the field? And how can we collectively advance the conversation for change?

Changing environmental attitudes present us with new challenges and dilemmas as we examine our positioning and relationship to the concept of sustainability. How do the choices we actively make today affect our environment in the long term? What arguments should we consider and reflect upon in order to gain the broadest possible understanding of the complexity of the problem?

“If our modules can be used as a basis for further research or even more innovative ideas with an imprint in a critical approach, the modules have served their purpose” Robert Boyer RISE

In a time when we are striving to work more consciously with sustainable processes and the objective of promoting a responsible transition for our common environmental impact, there are many issues to consider and reflect upon.

As part of the Sustainable Interiors research project, researchers Robert Boyer and Derek Diener at RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) have developed five teaching modules whose primary aim is to deepen and nuance our understanding of the concept of sustainability, within the interior design sector.

In this intricate web of issues, the educational modules can be seen as a useful tool, inspiring and encouraging further reflection and dialogue on the subject among students. The modules serve as guidelines for developing conversations. How can a more critical perspective on sustainable processes be applied to interior design projects?

It is hoped that the modules can contribute to how we reflect on sustainability, critically and in depth, in our role as actors. A nuanced conceptual analysis will eventually lead to more environmentally conscious choices and decisions, as well as more innovative methods and solutions for future developments in the field. Is it possible to expand and develop our way of working more sustainably in the long term? Yes, inevitably.

Read more in the article Conversations on sustainability and education.

Currently, the teaching material is available in English and Swedish, adapted for university-level students in interior design and architecture courses. The modules will be made available to the general public and offered as a free educational resource available to Swedish and English-speaking international audiences worldwide.

Are you interested? To receive the material please contact the Sustainable Interiors Project Manager kristin Östberg: kristin.ostberg(AT)indicum.se.

Instructions on how to use the material will be available on our YouTube.